пятница, 9 сентября 2016 г.

17 September Costumes and Fashion in Britain Guided Tour. История английского костюма и моды

Экскурсия «Английское в Городе. Рассказы о костюмах для Вас и с Вами. Показы костюмов для Вас и с Вами». Из серии встреч на английском, украинском и русском языках
Двигаемся и узнаём о местах и людях в Киеве, где и с кем многое можно узнать и многому научиться.
Участники экскурсии смогут услышать и увидеть как  британцы создавали для себя предпочтения в одежде и её использовании, культивировали привычки и  правила этикета, связанные с одеждой, смогут применить свои навыки общения на английском языке.
Двигаемся, общаемся, изображаем!
Here’s some of part one of Fashion Through the Ages series. This part covers British fashion from the Normans through medieval and middle ages to the end of the 15th century.

English British costumes Medieval Fashion

Day Clothes about 1050
This man and woman (left) date from about 1050, just before the Norman Conquest in 1066. They wear the basic medieval garments: a tunic, probably of wool, slightly fitted with a high neck and long sleeves, usually worn over a linen shirt.
The lady's tunic, similar to the man's but longer, has a semi-circular mantle fastening on the shoulder. The lady covers her long hair with a hood held by a band, and carries a travelling pouch; the man wears loose hose and leather shoes.
The Anglo Saxons were known for their skill in embroidery and braid weaving, like that trimming the man's tunic.
17 September 12 am - 3pm Costumes and Fashion in Britain Guided Tour. “Discover English Values in Kyiv” Series
Place to start - The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts, 15 - 17, Tereshenkivska street. Afterparty
Participation fee - 150/ 100 / 50UAH
Write to activetours@i.ua, call 0665004149
Together in Ukraine World Culture Heritage Tours
Recommended for visitors to Ukraine - The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts http://khanenkomuseum.kiev.ua/
Do it because you want it, not because others do. Trust your nature.
And here’s some of part two of Fashion Through the Ages series. This part covers British fashion during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Man's Formal Clothes about 1548
This gentleman wears an over-gown with full upper sleeves adding breadth to his shoulders, fashionable from about 1520. His doublet is loose with a seam at the waist and skirts, and his upper stocks (breeches) are separate from his hose for greater comfort.
He has a padded 'cod piece' and his shirt is embroidered in black silk with small frills at the neck, which eventually will develop into the ruff. His cap is softer and wider and his shoes are less broad in the toe than in the early years of Henry VIII

Lady's Formal Dress about 1610
This lady shows the dress which first appeared in the later portraits of Queen Elizabeth about 1580 and remained fashionable in the reign of James I. The bodice is very long, pointed and stiff, and the wide skirt is supported by hip 'boulsters' of the 'drum farthingale'.
The sleeves are wide and the neckline low, with ruff open to frame the face. It is trimmed with lace newly introduced from Flanders and Spain. Her pleated fan is a new fashion from China. Fashionable ladies no longer wore a cap and her uncovered hair is dressed high with ribbons and feathers.
Серия встреч на английском, украинском и русском языках
ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ КОСТЮМЫ Показ. Сценки для Вас и с Вами.
Обучение движению в костюмах. Учебные прогулки и экскурсии.
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