вторник, 26 июля 2016 г.

Any actions of Sydney Reilly in this part of his life that give an idea he will become an outstanding spy?

Any actions of Sydney Reilly in this part of his life that give an idea he will become an  outstanding spy?  Any signs of starting influencing the history of the countries around?
Starting from this part of his life why not to imagine yourself a character (characters)  that would change anything in Sydney Reilly’s life for completely different style of living?

Virtual Tour dedicated to Sidney Reilly, 'Ace of Spies, used by Ian Fleming as a model for James Bond 


More moments of Sydney Reilly’s life. 
After being arrested and released by Imperial Russian Secret Police in 1892 Georgiy Rosenblum renamed himself Sigmund Rosenblum, faked his death in Odessa Harbour and stowed away aboard a British ship bound for South America, Brazil … where all the men wear white trousers, some say… J
In Brazil young Sigmund adopted the name Pedro and worked odd jobs as a dock worker, a road mender, a plantation labourer and, in 1895, a cook for a British intelligence expedition.
Rosenblum allegedly saved both the expedition and the life of Major Charles Fothergill when hostile natives attacked them. Rosenblum seized a British officer's pistol and, with single-hand marksmanship, killed the attacking natives. Appropriately for a fantastic story, Major Fothergill rewarded Rosenblum with 1,500 pounds, a British passport and passage to Britain. There Pedro became Sidney Rosenblum. Andrew Cook asserts in Ace of Spies: The True Story of Sidney Reilly that the evidence contradicts this tale of Brazil. Cook states that the arrival of Sigmund Rosenblum in London in December 1895 was from France, and was prompted by Rosenblum's unscrupulous acquisition of a large sum of money in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, a residential suburb of Paris, necessitating a hasty flight. According to Cook's account, Rosenblum and Yan Voitek, a Russian accomplice, waylaid two Italian anarchists on 25 December 1895 and robbed them of a substantial amount of revolutionary funds. One anarchist's throat was cut; the other, Constant Della Cassa, died from knife wounds in Fontainebleau Hospital three days later. By the time Della Cassa's death appeared in the newspapers police had learned that one of the assailants, whose physical description matched Rosenblum's, was already en route to Britain. Rosenblum's accomplice, Voitek, later related this incident as well as other dealings with Rosenblum to the British Secret Intelligence Service.
Regardless of whether Sigmund Rosenblum arrived in Britain via Brazil or France, he resided at the Albert Mansions, an apartment block in Rosetta Street, Waterloo, London, in early 1896.

Invite yourself and friends for a Virtual Tour dedicated to Sidney Reilly, his times, his places, starting on 30 July at 11:00 at a café in Dreamtown , Aquapark in Obolonskiy prospect 21b, http://kievbum.com/akvapark-kiev-karta/
Registration – activetours@i.ua, 0665004149
Participation: 150 UAH for 1,5 hours of talks or 100 UAH for those who would enjoy 2 more  hours at Aquapark.

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