понедельник, 1 августа 2016 г.

To walk around the shops to identify British style influences

Within “Discovering English Values in Ukraine” project and Virtual Tour dedicated to Sydney Reilly, his times, his places, it is exciting to look into episodes of his life and fictional portrayals in cinematography and literature.  It is a part of Virtual Tour to walk around the clothes shops in Dream Town Centre, accessing the fashion trends and identifying British style influences.

13 August 3pm Discover English values in Ukraine. Having talks with shop assistants to find out which shops can help you dress up as James Bond or his girl. Dream Town Centre 1. Obolonskiy Avenue 1b.
Practise English to test goods and services
Registration – activetours@i.ua, 0665004149
Participation: 150/100/50 UAH for 1,5 hours of talks. Details are provided to the registered participants.
First, second, third James Bond …. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQnYgPpfcbQ
Fun fact - David Niven is co-starred in Casino Royale by Peter Selles and Woody Allen

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