среда, 28 сентября 2016 г.

For you and with you Historical English costumes to show, discuss, film and draw

1 October For you and with you “Discovering English Values in Ukraine”. Historical English costumes to show, discuss, film and draw within an exclusive City Tour.
Place and time to start - National Museum of History of Ukraine, 2, Vladimirskaya Street, 3 - 5pm Afterparty
Participation fee - 150/ 100 / 50UAH – employed/ families/ students
Write to
activetours@i.ua, call 0665004149
Together in Ukraine World Culture Heritage Tours
Recommended for visitors to Ukraine Museum of History of Ukraine, 2, Vladimirskaya Street -
Do it because you want it, not because others do. Trust your nature.
Sell and buy your pleasure.

1 октября Экскурсия «Английское в Городе». Для Вас и с Вами – показы  исторических костюмов, рассказы о них, фотосессии, рисование. Общаемся на английском, украинском и русском языках, двигаемся, фотографируем, рисуем, узнаём о местах и людях в Киеве, где и с кем можно многое узнать и многому научиться.
Учебные заведения участвуют на особых партнёрских условиях.

Участники экскурсии смогут услышать и увидеть как британцы создавали для себя предпочтения в выборе одежды и её использовании, культивировали привычки и правила этикета, связанные с одеждой, смогут применить свои навыки общения на английском языке.
Время и место встречи –14:45 Музей Истории Украины, ул. Владимирская 2
Стоимость - 150/ 100 / 50 грн – работающие/ семьи/ учащиеся
Write to activetours@i.ua, call 0665004149

пятница, 9 сентября 2016 г.

17 September Costumes and Fashion in Britain Guided Tour. История английского костюма и моды

Экскурсия «Английское в Городе. Рассказы о костюмах для Вас и с Вами. Показы костюмов для Вас и с Вами». Из серии встреч на английском, украинском и русском языках
Двигаемся и узнаём о местах и людях в Киеве, где и с кем многое можно узнать и многому научиться.
Участники экскурсии смогут услышать и увидеть как  британцы создавали для себя предпочтения в одежде и её использовании, культивировали привычки и  правила этикета, связанные с одеждой, смогут применить свои навыки общения на английском языке.
Двигаемся, общаемся, изображаем!
Here’s some of part one of Fashion Through the Ages series. This part covers British fashion from the Normans through medieval and middle ages to the end of the 15th century.

English British costumes Medieval Fashion

Day Clothes about 1050
This man and woman (left) date from about 1050, just before the Norman Conquest in 1066. They wear the basic medieval garments: a tunic, probably of wool, slightly fitted with a high neck and long sleeves, usually worn over a linen shirt.
The lady's tunic, similar to the man's but longer, has a semi-circular mantle fastening on the shoulder. The lady covers her long hair with a hood held by a band, and carries a travelling pouch; the man wears loose hose and leather shoes.
The Anglo Saxons were known for their skill in embroidery and braid weaving, like that trimming the man's tunic.
17 September 12 am - 3pm Costumes and Fashion in Britain Guided Tour. “Discover English Values in Kyiv” Series
Place to start - The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts, 15 - 17, Tereshenkivska street. Afterparty
Participation fee - 150/ 100 / 50UAH
Write to activetours@i.ua, call 0665004149
Together in Ukraine World Culture Heritage Tours
Recommended for visitors to Ukraine - The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts http://khanenkomuseum.kiev.ua/
Do it because you want it, not because others do. Trust your nature.
And here’s some of part two of Fashion Through the Ages series. This part covers British fashion during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Man's Formal Clothes about 1548
This gentleman wears an over-gown with full upper sleeves adding breadth to his shoulders, fashionable from about 1520. His doublet is loose with a seam at the waist and skirts, and his upper stocks (breeches) are separate from his hose for greater comfort.
He has a padded 'cod piece' and his shirt is embroidered in black silk with small frills at the neck, which eventually will develop into the ruff. His cap is softer and wider and his shoes are less broad in the toe than in the early years of Henry VIII

Lady's Formal Dress about 1610
This lady shows the dress which first appeared in the later portraits of Queen Elizabeth about 1580 and remained fashionable in the reign of James I. The bodice is very long, pointed and stiff, and the wide skirt is supported by hip 'boulsters' of the 'drum farthingale'.
The sleeves are wide and the neckline low, with ruff open to frame the face. It is trimmed with lace newly introduced from Flanders and Spain. Her pleated fan is a new fashion from China. Fashionable ladies no longer wore a cap and her uncovered hair is dressed high with ribbons and feathers.
Серия встреч на английском, украинском и русском языках
ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ КОСТЮМЫ Показ. Сценки для Вас и с Вами.
Обучение движению в костюмах. Учебные прогулки и экскурсии.
066 5004149
096 4004549

понедельник, 5 сентября 2016 г.

17 September Costumes and Fashion in Britain Guided Tour. “Discover English Values in Kyiv” Series.

Place to start - The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts, 15 - 17, Tereshenkivska street. Afterparty
Participation fee - 150/ 100 / 50UAH
Write to activetours@i.ua, call 0665004149
Together in Ukraine World Culture Heritage Tours

Recommended for visitors to Ukraine - The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Arts http://khanenkomuseum.kiev.ua/

Do it because you want it, not because others do. Trust your nature.

вторник, 9 августа 2016 г.

Одеть Джеймса Бонда и его девушку в Киеве? To make James Bond and his girl dressed up in Kyiv?

Одеть Джеймса Бонда и его девушку в Киеве? Где и как?
To make James Bond and his girl dressed up in Kyiv? Where and how? 

Во время «прокачки данных», общения группы любителей и эспертов 13 августа с 15:00 в магазинах Центра Дрим Таун на Оболонском проспекте 1б в Киеве костюмы Джеймса Бонда и его девушки можно «составить» для себя или друзей, для личного гардероба, для важного, яркого события, развлечения, практики и совершенствования стиля,
после выполнения п. 1 этой «инструкции», осуществления «сеанса связи», составления «шифровки» https://goo.gl/forms/69tFG1WnCfdQOoVd2 и получения деталей встречи.

В случае невозможности «выхода на связь» 13 августа «прокачка даннях» возможна
в другой день и в другом месте, индивидуально, для группы друзей, колег или организации после «сеанса связи», см. п.1 https://goo.gl/forms/69tFG1WnCfdQOoVd2

Форма одежды – позволяющая выполнить норматив на переодевание 3 минуты, форма тела – готовая к общению на языке тела, форма языка – позволяющая общаться на украинском, русском и английском, форма лица – интеллектуальная, профессиональная,улыбающаяся J
место и время встречи через «сеанс связи» activetours@i.ua, тел. 066 5004149

п.1 Детали, инструкции, явки, пароли сообщаются после сеанса связи (информационной :) ) – здесь https://goo.gl/forms/69tFG1WnCfdQOoVd2

п. 2 Предварительная проверка кандидатов-участников на знание местных реалий, интуицию, наличие внутреннего голоса, внешнего, наличие помощи вне зала, средств и пр. :)- здесь https://goo.gl/forms/igVu7Fp6Wu01yqyg2

Посмотрите внимательно на внешний вид магазинов
Actors, Kari, Fresh Fashion, Respect Yourself, Epotage, Frantini
В каких из этих магазинов можно найти подходящие для Бонда и его девушки
Мужские пиджаки, брюки, костюмы
Женские пиджаки, брюки, костюмы, юбки, платья
Туфли, Галстук, Платок, Часы, Сумочка, прочие атрибуты

Посмотрите внимательно на эти предметы
https://goo.gl/photos/19kLu9CZkhDddgmq5. Какие из них подходят для костюмов Джеймса Бонда и его девушки?

Посмотрите внимательно на фасады магазинов, стиль присутствия и наружность продавцов https://goo.gl/photos/ErKJkzFze9qqgVc26
В каких магазинах продавцам присуще умение общаться вообще, на украинском, русском, английском языках, на тему одежды кинематографических персонажей,. улыбаться?

Посмотрим внимательно на себя. Честно ответим – нам(вам) присуще умение общаться вообще, на украинском, русском, английском языках, на тему одежды кинематографических персонажей, улыбаться, одеваться?
Благодарим за правильные ответы J

понедельник, 1 августа 2016 г.

First, second, third James Bond …. and his parodies. Things happen to James Bonds everywhere

First, second, third James Bond …. and his parodies
Where to trust or not to trust him, take things as a joke, half joke, half serious?
To laugh and forget, to laugh and remember?
Things happen to James Bonds everywhere

20 August 3pm Discover English values in Ukraine
MI5 style. The way MI5 influences British society.
Soft Talk within a Focus Group of motivated people.
Dream Town Centre, Obolonskiy Avenue 1b
Participation: 150/100/50 UAH for 1,5 hours of talks. Details are provided to the registered participants.
Registration – activetours@i.ua, 0665004149
Practise English to test goods and services

To walk around the shops to identify British style influences

Within “Discovering English Values in Ukraine” project and Virtual Tour dedicated to Sydney Reilly, his times, his places, it is exciting to look into episodes of his life and fictional portrayals in cinematography and literature.  It is a part of Virtual Tour to walk around the clothes shops in Dream Town Centre, accessing the fashion trends and identifying British style influences.

13 August 3pm Discover English values in Ukraine. Having talks with shop assistants to find out which shops can help you dress up as James Bond or his girl. Dream Town Centre 1. Obolonskiy Avenue 1b.
Practise English to test goods and services
Registration – activetours@i.ua, 0665004149
Participation: 150/100/50 UAH for 1,5 hours of talks. Details are provided to the registered participants.
First, second, third James Bond …. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQnYgPpfcbQ
Fun fact - David Niven is co-starred in Casino Royale by Peter Selles and Woody Allen

вторник, 26 июля 2016 г.

Any actions of Sydney Reilly in this part of his life that give an idea he will become an outstanding spy?

Any actions of Sydney Reilly in this part of his life that give an idea he will become an  outstanding spy?  Any signs of starting influencing the history of the countries around?
Starting from this part of his life why not to imagine yourself a character (characters)  that would change anything in Sydney Reilly’s life for completely different style of living?

Virtual Tour dedicated to Sidney Reilly, 'Ace of Spies, used by Ian Fleming as a model for James Bond 


More moments of Sydney Reilly’s life. 
After being arrested and released by Imperial Russian Secret Police in 1892 Georgiy Rosenblum renamed himself Sigmund Rosenblum, faked his death in Odessa Harbour and stowed away aboard a British ship bound for South America, Brazil … where all the men wear white trousers, some say… J
In Brazil young Sigmund adopted the name Pedro and worked odd jobs as a dock worker, a road mender, a plantation labourer and, in 1895, a cook for a British intelligence expedition.
Rosenblum allegedly saved both the expedition and the life of Major Charles Fothergill when hostile natives attacked them. Rosenblum seized a British officer's pistol and, with single-hand marksmanship, killed the attacking natives. Appropriately for a fantastic story, Major Fothergill rewarded Rosenblum with 1,500 pounds, a British passport and passage to Britain. There Pedro became Sidney Rosenblum. Andrew Cook asserts in Ace of Spies: The True Story of Sidney Reilly that the evidence contradicts this tale of Brazil. Cook states that the arrival of Sigmund Rosenblum in London in December 1895 was from France, and was prompted by Rosenblum's unscrupulous acquisition of a large sum of money in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, a residential suburb of Paris, necessitating a hasty flight. According to Cook's account, Rosenblum and Yan Voitek, a Russian accomplice, waylaid two Italian anarchists on 25 December 1895 and robbed them of a substantial amount of revolutionary funds. One anarchist's throat was cut; the other, Constant Della Cassa, died from knife wounds in Fontainebleau Hospital three days later. By the time Della Cassa's death appeared in the newspapers police had learned that one of the assailants, whose physical description matched Rosenblum's, was already en route to Britain. Rosenblum's accomplice, Voitek, later related this incident as well as other dealings with Rosenblum to the British Secret Intelligence Service.
Regardless of whether Sigmund Rosenblum arrived in Britain via Brazil or France, he resided at the Albert Mansions, an apartment block in Rosetta Street, Waterloo, London, in early 1896.

Invite yourself and friends for a Virtual Tour dedicated to Sidney Reilly, his times, his places, starting on 30 July at 11:00 at a café in Dreamtown , Aquapark in Obolonskiy prospect 21b, http://kievbum.com/akvapark-kiev-karta/
Registration – activetours@i.ua, 0665004149
Participation: 150 UAH for 1,5 hours of talks or 100 UAH for those who would enjoy 2 more  hours at Aquapark.

Spies differ? What can make a man to start playng spying games? What can make a man to stop being a spy? Cooking?

понедельник, 25 июля 2016 г.

Spies differ? What can make a man to start playng spying games?

Spies differ? 

What can make a man to start playng spying games?
Searching adventures
Having read relevant books, watched films
Inner code
Career considerstions
Money issues
Femme and relationships
A model person nearby

To be prepared for a Virtual Tour you can write an essay or make a questionnaire

Also you can find the answers for yourself by using this questionnaire

среда, 20 июля 2016 г.

Virtual Tour dedicated to Sidney Reilly, 'Ace of Spies, used by Ian Fleming as a model for James Bond

Sidney Reilly, born in Odessa as Georgy Rosenblum in 1870 – several facts and  life moments of "Ace of Spies" who exported and imported spying services for at least 4 countries - United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Russian Empire.

Invite yourself and friends for a Virtual Tour dedicated to Sidney Reilly, his times, his places, starting on 30 July at 11:00 at a café in Dreamtown , Aquapark in Obolonskiy prospect 21b, http://kievbum.com/akvapark-kiev-karta/

Registration – activetours@i.ua, 0665004149
Participation: 150 UAH for 1,5 hours of talks or 100 UAH for those who would enjoy 2 more  hours at Aquapark.

Sidney George Reilly, commonly known as the so-called 'Ace of Spies', was a secret agent of the British Secret Service Bureau, the precursor to the modern British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6/SIS). He is alleged to have spied for at least four different powers. Reilly's fame was created during the 1920s, in part by his friend, the British diplomat and journalist Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart, who publicized their thwarted operation to overthrow the Bolshevik regime in 1918. The London Evening Standard published in May 1931 a serial, headlined "Master Spy", imparting his exploits. Later Ian Fleming used Reilly as a model for James Bond. Today many historians consider Reilly to have been the first 20th-century "super-spy". Much of what is thought to be known about him could be false, however, as Reilly was a master of deception and most of his life is shrouded in legend.

Origins and youth

The origins, identities and activities of Sidney Reilly have befuddled researchers and intelligence agencies for more than 100 years, and much of his purported life and many of his notorious exploits should be cautiously examined. Reilly himself told several versions of his origins to confuse and mislead investigators: he claimed to be the son of an Irish merchant seaman, an Irish clergyman, and an aristocratic landowner and habitué of the Imperial court of Tsar Alexander III of Russia. According to the Ukrainian newspaper Segodnya, he was born Zigmund Markovich Rozenblum (Rosenblum) on 24 March 1874 in Odessa, then a Black Sea port of the Russian Empire. His father, Mark, was a stockbroker, and shipping agent, and his mother came from an impoverished noble family.
Other sources say that Reilly was born Georgy Rosenblum in Odessa on 24 March 1873 or 1874. However, in Ace of Spies: The True Story of Sidney Reilly (p. 28), Andrew Cook states that Reilly was born on 24 March 1873 in the Jewish Kherson gubernia of Tsarist Russia, as Salomon (Shlomo) Rosenblum, and that he was the illegitimate son of Polina (or "Perla"), his acknowledged mother, and Dr Mikhail Abramovich Rosenblum, the trusted first cousin of Reilly's putative father, Grigory (Hersh) Rosenblum. There is also speculation that he was the son of a merchant marine captain and the above-mentioned mother.

Early life

In 1892 the Imperial Russian Secret Police arrested Georgi Rosenblum for being a messenger for a revolutionary group, the Friends of Enlightenment, as stated by Georgi Rosenblum himself. Trust him :)
After he was released Grigory, his assumed father, told him that his mother was dead and that his biological father was her Jewish doctor Mikhail A. Rosenblum. Renaming himself Sigmund Rosenblum, he faked his death in Odessa Harbour and stowed away aboard a British ship bound for South America, Brazil …

вторник, 12 июля 2016 г.

When in London, Walk King Alfred’s London :) When in Kyiv, Walk Prince Vladimir’s Kyiv :)

“Bridge” that is the translation of  the first name of Vladimirskaya street in 10th century , or “Most” in Russian , transliterated in English, one of the oldest and greatests streets in Kyiv.

That’s where a guided tour group will head to on 16th July after gathering at the entrance to University metro station at 3pm and visiting St Vladimir’s Cathedral, within City Tour of London in Kyiv.

When in London, Walk King Alfred’s London http://www.hyde900.org.uk/events/walk-king-alfreds-london/
start at St Paul’s Cathedral and hold your way around City of London, created by the Romans who lived there J

When in Kyiv, likewise, Walk Prince Vladimir’s Kyiv,
start at St Vladimir’s Cathedral and walk over to Vladimirskaya street
together with guided tour group …

So far, get more interesting parallel facts about King Alfred’s and Prince Vladimir, their deeds, times, places, events:

King Alfred
4) In 853 at the age of four Alfred is said to have been sent to Rome where, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. he was confirmed by Pope Leo IV who "anointed him as king"
5) Bishop Asser tells the story of how as a child Alfred won as a prize a book of Saxon poems, offered by his mother to the first of her children able to memorize it. Legend also has it that the young Alfred spent time in Ireland seeking healing. Alfred was troubled by health problems throughout his life. It is thought that he may have suffered from Crohn's disease. Statues of Alfred in Winchester and Wantage portray him as a great warrior. Evidence suggests he was not physically strong, and though not lacking in courage, he was noted more for his intellect than as a warlike character.
Prince Vladimir
4) In 977 Vladimir fled to his kinsman Haakon Sigurdsson, ruler of Norway, collecting as many Norse warriors as he could to assist him to recover Novgorod. On his return the next year, he marched against Yaropolk. On his way to Kiev he sent ambassadors to Rogvolod (Norse: Ragnvald), prince of Polotsk, to sue for the hand of his daughter Rogneda (Norse: Ragnhild). The high-born princess refused to affiance herself to the son of a bondswoman, so Vladimir attacked Polotsk, slew Rogvolod, and took Ragnhild by force. Polotsk was a key fortress on the way to Kiev, and capturing Polotsk and Smolensk facilitated the taking of Kiev in 978, where he slew Yaropolk by treachery and was proclaimed knyaz of all Kievan Rus.
5) The Primary Chronicle reports that in the year 987, after consultation with his boyars, Vladimir the Great sent envoys to study the religions of the various neighboring nations whose representatives had been urging him to embrace their respective faiths. The result is described by the chronicler Nestor. Of the Muslim Bulgarians of the Volga the envoys reported there is no gladness among them, only sorrow and a great stench. He also reported that Islam was undesirable due to its taboo against alcoholic beverages and pork. Vladimir remarked on the occasion: "Drinking is the joy of all Rus'. We cannot exist without that pleasure." Ukrainian and Russian sources also describe Vladimir consulting with Jewish envoys and questioning them about their religion. His emissaries also visited Roman Catholic and Orthodox missionaries. Ultimately Vladimir settled on Eastern Orthodox Christianity
And that is only a part of the story  
16 July 3pm Insight into personalities of Alfred The Great and Saint Vladimir. Comparative biographies. Walking Tour in the downtown of Kyiv. 2 hours. Limit 20 participants
Place to start - University metro station. Sign up - write to activetours@i.ua, text to 066 5004149
150 UAH. 50% discounts for students, young pairs and groups. Payment in advance or at the spot.
Together in Ukraine - City Tours of London in Kyiv. Discovering English values in Ukraine